A virtual Answering service typically cost about $85/month can help you streamline your business by providing comprehensive services when you can’t be there to do it yourself. The answering service you employ works for you, taking your calls and relaying them back to you.
These professionals are the voice of your company, not only responsible for receiving calls, but also performing basic tasks for customers that you would normally have to do.
These tasks could range from inbound and outbound sales to return management and after-hours support and live chat. Typically available on a 24/7 basis, you can custom tailor your services to your industry need, whether you’re a doctor, lawyer or massage therapist. This type of service makes you appear professional and available, giving your customers peace of mind knowing they can always reach a human being. It’s more affordable than you assume.
Just complete our form for a free estimate and you’ll see just how easy it can be to integrate a virtual answering service into your organization.